Wilderness Days

Wilderness Days 17.-18.8.2024

The wilderness of Pihlajavesi calls once again this summer on August 17-18, 2024, as the Keuruu Pihlajavesi Wilderness Days are organized for the sixth time. The theme for 2024 is ”From Wilderness to Cultural Landscape.

As per tradition, guided tours will be organized on Saturday, and on Sunday, you can enjoy the scenery on self-guided hikes. While walking along the trails, it is also worth stopping to examine the informational signs that introduce the history and special features of the nature of Pihlajavesi and cultural sites. In addition, you can learn about local history through various exhibitions open during the weekend of the event.

You can purchase trail snacks along the routes or pack them into your backpack from the local village shop Kauppala.

During the event weekend, you can easily explore the trails by bike or enjoy the waves of Pihlajavesi by canoe. Wilderness Guide Jokela handles canoe rental.


Give feedback about the event!

Thank you to all participants and organizers of the Wilderness Days! The weather crowned a great weekend at Pihlajavesi. You can provide feedback about the event by filling out the feedback survey.

Event Program 2024

Saturday, August 17, 2024:

  • Guided Tours from Karansalmi, Sahanranta, and Tiedetila
    • The Trail of Koskireitti, 7 km hike, starting at 10 AM from Karansalmi
    • Gravel Bike Tour, approx. 20 km, starting at 10 AM from Karansalmi
    • The Stories And Islands Of Pihlaisselkä Canoeing Trip. Duration 4 hours. Starting at 10 AM from Sahanranta. Coffee brewed over a campfire on an island. Price 25 €. Kayaks/Canoes/Registration: Wilderness Guide Markku Jokela, phone: 040 544 2976
    • Guided Canoeing at Sahanranta at 12 PM and 3 PM, price 10€ / person
    • Trip to Raiski Nature Reserve from Tiedetila at 1 PM
  • Canoeing Available Non-Stop or by Reservation from Sahanranta from 9 AM to 9 PM. Wilderness Guide Markku Jokela, phone: 040-5442976
  • Pihlajavesi Vicarage Open House, Flea Market, and Pop-Up Waffle Café Saturday 10 AM–4 PM
  • Football-Croquet Game at Karhulankylä Workers’ Hall Field from 12 PM–3 PM
  • Fish Netting Demonstration by Kalatirrit at Valkeinen Beach at 1 PM
  • Happenings at the Korpikirjasto Book Café (free of charge):
    • 1:30 PM Storytime (20 minutes) for children. ”What’s Moving in Our Forests?” True animal stories from the surroundings of Korpikirjasto.
    • 12 PM–4 PM Open Stage – an open opportunity to perform music. Bring your instruments and songs. Come as a group or solo. The arena is free, just for your music and for you!
    • Usva Photography Exhibition and Severine Cuenod’s Exhibition, the artist herself will be present. Exhibition introduction from 3 PM–4 PM
    • Korpikirjasto Animal Yard, including free-roaming sheep available for petting on Saturday 10 AM–4 PM
  • Leirisaari Swimming Sauna from 2 PM–4 PM
  • Kuusijärvi Cottages Non-Stop Sauna from 2 PM–6 PM at Kuusijärvi, address: Kuusijärventie 365 A, 42930 Katajamäki
  • Leirisaari Peat Sauna, one-hour treatment 15€ / person, from 4 PM–6 PM, Wellness Services Pihlaja reservations phone: 0404132994 or email: hyvinvointipalvelutpihlaja@gmail.com
  • Wilderness Church Introduction at 2 PM, Hama project by Sami Ala and Pertti Jartti
  • Pony Rides/Cart Rides August 17-18, 2024, from 10 AM–3 PM at Pirjo Hiltunen, Sällintie 225, 42910 Pihlajavesi. Fee 3 € per ride.
  • Pihlajavesi Youth Society: Mini-Play “Gone with the Wind” by PiHa Theatre Humpuuki ry. Saturday at 5 PM, tickets 10 €.
  • Wilderness Conquest Triathlon from 4 PM–5 PM at Sahanranta, Participation fee 10 €. Register here.
  • Basket Climbing from 7 PM–8 PM, Sahanranta
  • Sahanranta Karaoke hosted by karaoke host Tapani Lintula from 2 PM–10 PM. Café open 10 AM–10 PM.
  • Wilderness Church Evening Service at 9:15 PM. 4 km hike/canoe trip (round trip) starting from Sahanranta at 8:30 PM.
  • Bat Excursion at 10 PM on the Wilderness Church Canal
  • Additionally, there are various other sites and activities in the area to explore or engage in. See also exhibitions.

Sunday, August 18, 2024:

  • Wake up to the Wilderness! Gentle Yin Morning Yoga at Sahanranta at 9:00 AM
  • Mini Pilgrimage for the Sacred and the Wicked from Pihlajavesi Vicarage at 10:00 AM (from Koipikangas parking lot at 9:55 AM). Route approx. 7.5 km. Guided by Unto Mikkonen.
  • Pihlajavesi Vicarage Open House, Flea Market, and Pop-Up Waffle Café on Sunday 10:00 AM–4:00 PM.
  • Wildflower Harvest and Wild Herb Guidance at Tiedetila at 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM. Forest garden open.
  • Football-Croquet Game at Karhulankylä Workers’ Hall Field from 12:00 PM–3:00 PM.
  • Children’s Canoeing to Koipijoki at 12:00 PM (adults can join). 5 € / child, 10 € / adult. Starting from Sahanranta.
  • Happenings at the Korpikirjasto Book Café (free of charge):
    • 1:30 PM Storytime (20 minutes) for children. ”What’s Moving in Our Forests?” True animal stories from the surroundings of Korpikirjasto.
    • 12 PM–4 PM Open Stage – an open opportunity to perform music. Bring your instruments and songs. Come as a group or solo. The arena is free, just for your music and for you!
    • Usva Photography Exhibition and Severine Cuenod’s Exhibition, the artist herself will be present. Exhibition introduction from 3 PM–4 PM
    • Korpikirjasto Animal Yard, including free-roaming sheep available for petting on Saturday 10:00 AM–4:00 PM.
  • Rekola (Old Pihlajavesi) Cemetery: Museum curator Helena Kukkamo’s introduction at 11:00 AM.
  • New Pihlajavesi Church: Museum curator Helena Kukkamo’s introduction at 12:00 PM.
  • Frisbee Golf Competition at 12:00 PM Koipikangas field. Registration on Metrix.
  • The Wilderness Church Of Pihlajavesi – Hama Project Unveiling: Presentation of art pieces and project outcomes starting at 1:00 PM.
  • Kayaking Opportunity: Available at Sahanranta, non-stop or by reservation from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Contact Eräopas Jokela at 040-5442976.
Erämaapäivät 2022


Event Coordinator
Heli Peltola
p. 040-8272753

City of Keuruu
Leisure Services


  • Pihlajavesi Local History Museum: ”Pihlajavesi Sports” Saturday 11:00 AM–3:00 PM and Sunday 11:00 AM–2:00 PM.
  • Pihlajavesi Youth Center: Nature photographs and videos by Esko Rotola-Pukkila and Jukka Kuusisto. Saturday–Sunday 11:00 AM–3:00 PM.
  • Sälli PVY House in Karansalmi: Pihlajavesi School teaching aid collection Saturday–Sunday 10:00 AM–3:00 PM.
  • Sälli PVY Barn in Karansalmi: Exhibition of traditional forestry and agricultural tools. Saturday–Sunday 10:00 AM–3:00 PM.
  • Korpikirjasto: Usva Photography Exhibition, Severine Cuenod’s Exhibition. Saturday–Sunday 10:00 AM–4:00 PM.
  • Tiedetila: Computer Museum and Forest Garden Saturday–Sunday 11:00 AM–4:00 PM.

The event is organized with the participation of the City of Keuruu’s Leisure Department, Keuruu Parish, Pihlajavesi and Karimo Village Associations, Keuruu Latu, Keurusseutu Nature Friends, Tiedetila, Korpikirjasto, Pihlajavesi Station, Keuruu Museum, and Wilderness Guide Jokela.

Overview Map of the Event Area

Erämaapäivät, yleiskartta

Open the digital map of the Pihlajavesi outdoor trail network from here.


Register in advance for the event’s guided tours (especially water activities) and meals. Registration does not require participation, but to ensure your outdoor experience, we recommend registering for the event.

Register here

Note: Equipment rentals are made directly with the providers. Details are below.

Buy A Trail Map!

The large (A1 size) foldable Pihlaisten outdoor trail map consolidates all the maintained trails in the area onto a single map page.

If you want to ensure a successful hiking day and support the maintenance of the Pihlajavesi trail network, order the map through the webstore. During the Wilderness Days, the map will also be available at well-stocked local shops, including Pihlajavesi Kauppala and the Karansalmi village hall.

Price: 15 €

Guided Tours

Guided Hiking Tours

On Saturday

Departures from Karansalmi Village Hall (address: Ähtärintie 999, 42930 Katajamäki)

  • Koskireitti Hiking Trail, 7 km (See map). Guided by experienced walking guides from Keuruu Latu.
  • Guided tour starts at 10:00 AM. Register here
  • Food and Rest Stops along the Route:
    • Kuuskoski Lean-to: Sausages, coffee, pastries, and other refreshments available for purchase. It’s also possible to enjoy your own snacks by the fire.
    • Pihlaiskoski Hut: Enjoy your own packed food.
    • After the hike, you can enjoy a soup meal (ground beef soup) at Karansalmi from 12:00 PM–3:00 PM. Price 10 €.

Departures from Sahanranta (address: Sahantie 68, 42910 Pihlajavesi):

  • Walk to the Wilderness Church for Evening Service: Departure from Sahanranta at 8:30 PM, evening service at 9:15 PM. Distance approx. 4 km. Register here
  • After the evening service, light snacks will be available at the Sahanranta kiosk until 10:00 PM.

Departures from Tiedetila (address: Alkulantie 265, 42930 Katajamäki):

  • Trip to Raiski Nature Reserve: Departure from Tiedetila on Saturday at 1:00 PM. [Register here]

On Sunday

Departures from the Vicarage (address: Koipikankaantie 1025, 42910 Pihlajavesi):

  • Small Pilgrimage for the Sacred and the Wicked: Departure from Pihlajavesi Vicarage at 10:00 AM (from Koipikangas parking lot at 9:55 AM). Route approx. 7.5 km. Guided by Unto Mikkonen.
Guided Cycling Tours
On Saturday

Departures from Karansalmi (address: Ähtärintie 999, 42930 Katajamäki)

  • Guided Gravel Bike Tour: Starts on Saturday at 10:00 AM.
  • The route is approximately 20 km.
  • Note: Please bring your own bike.
  • Register here
Guided Canoeing Tours

On Saturday

  • Island Tour on Pihlaisselkä:
    • Departure from Sahanranta at 10:00 AM. The tour includes guided paddling through the landscapes of Kaunissaaret and Pöllösensaari, along with stories about the life and history of Pihlaisselkä. Enjoy coffee brewed over a campfire on an island. Duration: 4 hours. Price 25 €.
    • Equipment rental: Wilderness Guide Markku Jokela, phone: 040-5442976.
  • Canoeing to the Wilderness Church Evening Service:
    • Departure from Sahanranta at 8:30 PM, with the evening service at 9:15 PM.
    • Price: 10 € / person. Register here
    • Route length: approx. 3 km round trip. On the return, there is an option for extended moonlight paddling.
    • Equipment rental: Wilderness Guide Markku Jokela, phone: 040-5442976.

On Sunday

  • Children’s Canoeing to Koipijoki:
    • Children’s canoeing to Koipijoki at 12:00 PM (adults can join). Price: 5 €/ child, 10 €/ adult. Departure from Sahanranta.
    • Equipment rental: Wilderness Guide Markku Jokela, phone: 040-5442976.

Self-Guided Hiking

Hiking and Cycling Routes

Maps for all Pihlajavesi outdoor trails are available at Sahanranta, Karansalmi Village Hall, and Kauppala. You can also print your own map in advance at home. Trail maps can be found alongside the trail descriptions.

Hiking Routes:

Cycling Routes:



During the Wilderness Days, you can explore the canoeing route of Lake Pihlajavesi or take a shorter canoe trip to, for example, Kaunissaari.

Equipment Rental at Sahanranta (9:00 AM – 9:00 PM, non-stop):

  • Canoe Rental: 10 € / person
  • Large Canoe (6-12 people): Advance reservation required for groups.
  • Equipment rental managed by Wilderness Guide Jokela. Phone: 040-5442976
  • Also see Wilderness Guide Jokela for more information.

For Families


  • Trail Of The Old Church: The 8.5 km loop can be shortened for younger family members by walking from Sahanranta to the Wilderness Church and back, totaling approximately 4.5 km. Parking is available at the event parking area in Koipikangas.
  • Moonlight Walk: Depart from Sahanranta to the Wilderness Church for the evening service on Saturday at 8:30 PM. Bring your own lights. The round trip is about 4.5 km.
  • Purola Nature Trail: 400 m long nature trail and visit to Common Juniper Of Koivuranta (700 m).
  • Korpikirjasto Tour: Includes the nature trail ”with nearby libraries” (4 km).

Individual Attractions and Other Sights:

  • Wilderness Church aka The Old Church Of Pihlajavesi: Visit the old church and the nearby church canal, which is about 250 m from the church. Parking is available at the church parking area.
  • Kuuskoski: Drive to the end of Kuuskoskentie and take a short walk to the lean-to and riverbank, 1-2 km.
  • Kankikota: Drive to Kankikota and walk 100 m to Kankimylly.
  • From Karansalmi Village Hall to Kokinkota and back: A 2 km walk.
  • Korpikirjasto Library Café: Storytime for children at 1:30 PM on Saturday and Sunday (20 minutes). Stories of animals in the surrounding forests. (No charge)
  • Korpikirjasto Animal Yard: Petting sheep available on Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 AM–4:00 PM.


  • Equipment Rental on Saturday from Sahanranta: Contact Wilderness Guide Markku Jokela, phone: 040-5442976.
  • Children’s Canoeing to Koipijoki: At 12:00 PM (adults can join). Price: 5 €/ child, 10 € / adult. Departure from Sahanranta. Equipment rental by Wilderness Guide Markku Jokela, phone: 040-5442976.
  • Moonlight Canoeing to the Wilderness Church: Saturday at 8:30 PM (guided). Register here

Swimming and Sauna:

  • Child-Friendly Beach: Available at Sahanranta.
  • Leirisaari Sauna: Heated on Saturday from 2:00 PM–4:00 PM.
  • Other Swimming Spots: See the ”Swimming” section.

Other Activities:

  • Karaoke at Sahanranta: Starting at 2:00 PM on Saturday. Karaoke host Tapani Lintula. The kiosk is open until 10:00 PM. You can also grill your own food at the grill shelter.
  • Football Croquet at Karhulankylä Worker’s Hall Field: Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 PM–3:00 PM.
Dining and Rest Stops

Soup Kitchen at Karansalmi:

  • Saturday: Serving of minced meat soup from 12:00 PM–3:00 PM.
  • Price: 10 € per person. Register here

Sahanranta Café:

  • Opening Hours: Saturday from 10:00 AM–10:00 PM.
  • Available: Coffee, refreshments, doughnuts, ham and cheese sandwiches, rye bread with egg and anchovies, skillet pancakes with jam and whipped cream, grilled sausages, chocolate bars, licorice, and candy. Gluten-free options available.
  • Grill Shelter: Located at the beach for grilling your own food.
  • After 6:00 PM: Snacks and refreshments for the evening event.
  • Address: Sahantie 68, 42910 Pihlajavesi

Korpikirjasto Café:

  • Opening Hours: 10:00 AM–4:00 PM.
  • Available: Coffee, tea, soft drinks, juice, ice cream, and light snacks. Sauna available by prior arrangement. Animals such as chickens and sheep on site.
  • Address: Kala-aitankallio 30, 42910 Pihlajavesi

Vicarage Waffle Café:

  • Opening Hours: Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 AM–4:00 PM.
  • Features: Open house, flea market, and pop-up waffle café at the Pihlajavesi parsonage.
  • Address: Koipikankaantie 1025, 42910 Pihlajavesi

Picnic Supplies and Refreshments:

Rest Stops Along the Trails:

Accommodation Options for Campers

B&B Accommodation at Pihlajaveden Vicarage:

  • Location: Princess’s and/or Servant’s Room In Väentupa.
  • Includes: Two bedrooms with double beds, a fully equipped kitchen, and a bathroom. Lakeside sauna available upon request.
  • Contact: 040 555 0419.

Spend the Night in a Tree!

  • Location: Pihlajaveden Asema.
  • Option: Two Tentsile tree tents available for rent during Erämaapäivät.
  • Booking: Reserve online.

Rental Cabin Huili:

  • Location: Near Pihlajaveden Railway Station.
  • Description: A small rental cabin perfect for overnight stays, regardless of weather conditions.
  • Booking: Reserve Huili for Erämaapäivät.

Camping at Sahanranta:

  • ”Hammock Hotel”: Hammock setup at your own risk. Location will be designated nearby. Self-camping is also allowed.
  • RV Parking: Available without services.

Pöllösensaari and Kaunissaari:

  • Ownership: Community-owned islands managed by the local fishing community.
  • Pöllösensaari: Best for sleeping in a hammock. Includes a sauna building freely available.
  • Kaunissaari: Popular hiking destination with a shelter equipped with bunk beds for 4 people. Also has a freely accessible sauna building.


  • 24/7 Accommodation: Available at Tiedetila.
  • Contact: 041 460 3491.


  • Accommodation: Stay among books in a cultural environment.
  • Contact: 040 872 7414.

Other Accommodation Options in the Keurusseutu Area:

Swimming and Shower Facilities

Swimming Beaches in the Event Area:

Other Washing Facilities:

Emergency Information

Download the 112 app to your phone and keep your GPS turned on while hiking. Through the app, emergency services can see your location.

Instructions in Case of Emergency:

  1. Call 112: No need for a dialing code.
  2. Describe the Situation: Report whether it is an accident or a medical emergency.
  3. Provide Location Details: Give the exact location, address, and directions to the site. The rescue services have information on the routes, so try to specify which route you are on and the last identifiable landmark you passed.
  4. Number of Patients: Inform how many people are injured or need help.
  5. Danger to Life: Indicate if anyone is in life-threatening danger.
  6. Follow Instructions: Listen carefully to instructions, answer questions, and hang up only after receiving permission to do so.
  7. Stay Calm and Clear: A calm and clear emergency report ensures faster assistance.

Important Phone Numbers:

Event Coordinator:
Heli Peltola Phone: 040-8272753

Emergency Services – Sahanranta Area:
Phone: 050-5282437

Emergency Services – Karansalmi Village Hall:
Phone: 045-3102058

Transport for the Exhausted:
For minor injuries, fatigue, or broken bikes, use the organizer’s support vehicle.
Phone: 050-4680126

For serious cases, contact 112 directly (see first aid instructions).


Other things to see

The Pihlajavesi area offers a variety of attractions. Explore Pihlajavesi’s services and sights through our website.

Here are some highlights you shouldn’t miss:

  • The Old Church Of Pihlajavesi (address: Erämaakirkontie 221, 42910 Pihlajavesi ). This charming and intriguing church has captivated visitors for nearly four centuries. During the event, the church will be open from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM, with an evening service at 9:15 PM. Remember to bring your own lamp for outdoor lighting, as the evenings are getting darker in August.
  • Pönttöpuisto. This park is a remnant of the former Pihlajavesi railway park, which was once a well-maintained and beautifully landscaped park. Today, it’s a bird hotel, with numerous personalized birdhouses placed by locals. Purchase your own birdhouse at Kauppala!
  • Pihlajavesi Local Museum Learn about the local history of Pihlajavesi. The museum is open during the event on Saturday from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM and on Sunday from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
  • Korpikirjasto and Library Café Open Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The animal yard here is a popular attraction for visitors. Korpikirjasto features a 4 km nature trail, complete with boardwalks through stunning swamp landscapes. Along the way, you can stop to read books at ”side libraries” located at rest benches.
  • Disc Golf Course Located near Koipikanka, close to Sahanranta.
  • Swimming Areas: Sahanranta beach and the swimming dock at Karansalmi Village Hall.
  • Tiedetila Open from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Tiedetila offers various experiences and activities during the event, including its computer museum.
  • The Best Fishing Spots can be found in the Pihlaiskoski fishing area, a great destination for a self-guided excursion in the river landscape.
  • Snack and Refreshments available at Kauppala and Karansalmi Village Hall.

The side events are organized by Pihlajavesi and Karimo village associations, Korpikirjasto, Tiedetila, Eräopas Jokela, Keuruun Latu, Keurusseudun Luonnonystävät, Polku.Guru, Keuruun Museo, Keuruun Seurakunta, and the Department of Leisure Activities.

If you wish to join the event as a partner, please contact Leisure Manager Heli Peltola at 040-8272753.

See you at the Wilderness Days!